Tuesday, February 26, 2008

But My Insurance doesn't cover it

Ever heard this? Well as a future chiropractor talking to people about chiropractic..... trust me, I have heard it many times. Now some of these analogies that I use I have gotten from others.... I do not profess to have come up with them on my own.

Lets pretend you own a car.... and you buy car insurance because the law says you should. Now no matter how great of car insurance you have, if you decided to never take care of your car except for things that the insurance covers.. how long would your car last? So you never get new tires, you never get an oil change, you never replace the windshield wipers, because your "insurance" doesn't cover it. In fact your insurance only covers disasters, like car wrecks.

Don't like the car analogy... what about home owners insurance? or life insurance? or insurance on an expensive purchase? These things take care of the tragedies, but does that mean you don't spend a dime taking care of the things when all is normal?

I find it amusing that people will let what some insurance compnay decided determine what kind of real health care they recieve. People we are talking about our bodies here. A car is a pile of metal that will be gone in 10 years, yet we spend hundreds of dollars a year trying to keep it running at its absolute fullest ability, and then our bodies go to pot because "my insurance doesn't cover it". That seems very odd to me.

Health insurance is not health insurance.... it is sick insurance. When you are sick it helps you... but not until your sick. If you have even the slightest desire to do anything preventative...... your on your own. That seems very odd to me

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